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electronic bulletin board造句

"electronic bulletin board"是什么意思  
  • Advice will be provided over the telephone or the electronic bulletin board as appropriate
  • Viruses typically find their way into microcomputers through copied floppy disks or programs downloaded from electronic bulletin boards
  • Another interesting application for internet is the electronic bulletin board which is also called bulletin board service , bbs for short
    因特网的另一个有趣的应用是电子公告板,又称公告服务,简称bbs 。
  • Oas ( office automation system ) includes multi - media information , electronic bulletin board , public address system , property management system , business convention system
  • We used more electronic communication like e - memo in daily work and disseminated information through email or by posting it onto the departments electronic bulletin board
  • In times square , where security was noticeably beefed up in the hours after u . s . air strikes began , many first learned the news from the large scrolling electronic bulletin boards framing the busy intersection
  • We encourage our staff to communicate through electronic mail as far as practicable . we post notices , circulars , telephone directories and other information that require wide circulation on the departments electronic bulletin board for sharing
  • It's difficult to see electronic bulletin board in a sentence. 用electronic bulletin board造句挺难的
如何用electronic bulletin board造句,用electronic bulletin board造句electronic bulletin board in a sentence, 用electronic bulletin board造句和electronic bulletin board的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。